Thursday, 11 June 2009

Trouble Dog

Me and my dog Zoey have a love hate relationship.

She loves to chew up everything she can get her paws on and I hate to replace and the random items she destroys.

Don't get me wrong; I think I have a great dog that is very smart. But that’s her problem, she is just too smart for her own good.

It has been months since she tore apart the back seat of my car, and since then she has been sticking to socks and sandals. 

The other day I was preparing for what I knew would be a long day of layout at work.

I noticed Zoey and Twix (my roommates Chihuahua) were being oddly quiet. Usually when they are together Zoey is chasing Twix trying to get him to play with her, or he is growling and trying to attack her.   

I walked into my living room only to see Zoey looking scared to death with my fairly new glasses hanging out of her mouth. She dropped them the second she noticed me and ran to the back door.

I punished her, locked her in her kennel and left for work. 

This was the same day I decided it was time to sign Zoey up for obedience classes.

I was surprised to learn the six-week course would be about $130, which is good since I had to pay $200 to replace my glasses.

When I cam home from work I was still furious, but like usual she was cute, playful and wouldn’t take no for an answer. So I gave in, forgot about all the money I could be saving for a nice trip but instead had to spend on fixing all the stuff she broke, and played with her all evening and told her what a great dog she is and how much I adore her. (What can I say, I am sucker for her one floppy ear and the way she jumps around the second she thinks I am going to play with her.)

June 16 is the big day. She will start classes and hopefully chewing on socks, glasses and car seats will be a thing of the past.

I am not expecting for a miracle, just hoping, and maybe just maybe she will finally learn her name!


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