Wednesday, 31 August 2011

The roads in Alberta are paved with slow drivers

With the new distracted driving law coming into effect yesterday, I fear it will only make Alberta drivers that much worse.

Not allowing people to text, talk on their phone and the overall hands-off-the-wheel legislation will mean that some drivers will be coming up with ways to scoot around the law, thus concentrating less on their already slow driving skills.

I admit, I have a moderate case of Quebec road rage, and that does translate to me already being upset with other drivers, but I find Edmonton area drivers to be the most frustrating drivers that I have ever encountered.

Slowing down to below the speed limit in the fast lane, failing to use their flashers and an overall lack of knowledge on how to merge onto a highway never fails to surprise me during my daily commute.

Since moving to this province, I have come to realize that driver stereotypes are true. In my opinion, Ontario drivers are known to be painfully slow, Maritimers are known for their lack of signaling usage and B.C. drivers are known for their slow pace. Yes, Quebecers are known for their lead foot and angry tendencies, but I have come to realize that some Edmonton drivers must be known for their lack of common sense when it comes to simple driving techniques.

I’m not saying every Edmonton area driver is bad and they all lack common sense when it comes to driving, but I do think there are definite discrepancies when it comes to driving schools of thought.

Personally, I was taught by my driving school instructor to always drive in the left lane if I wanted to go faster than the speed limit or if I wanted to pass someone. Apparently, the same can’t be said for all Capital City drivers who believe that the left lane is place to idle along well below the speed limit. My main beef with drivers, whether it is in Alberta or any province, is that most aren’t courteous to other drivers. Most drivers are only thinking about how late they are for work or content with driving at their speed, but that’s not how it should be. It should be about sharing the road and moving over if someone is tailgating you or allowing someone to merge into your lane. There have been countless occasions that I have had to drive in the right lane in order to pass someone, only to be copied by several other drivers. It’s not right. If you are going to travel at turtle-slow speed, then move over for the rest of us who are willing to put the pedal to the metal.

Although it may seem that I am a speed demon, I don’t drive extremely fast and in fact have never got a speeding ticket, I mean c’mon, I drive a four-door Saturn.

I do however, like to have the option of speeding and there is nothing more frustrating than people who don’t obey the general rules of the road.

I do have to give Edmonton area drivers some credit though where deserved. Most drivers in the area are very courteous in letting pedestrians cross the road at non-intersections and rarely use their horn. It’s polite and I do respect the nature of local drivers, which is a refreshing change. As a result of the composed commuters in Edmonton, I realize that I have rarely used my horn since being in this province, which is great. My theory is that the few times I have used it here was probably at another Quebec driver who has since changed his license plate for Alberta’s.

I don’t have a suggestion as to how Edmonton area drivers can improve their skills — because I think good driving techniques are acquired through experience and common sense — but I do think that drivers should be considerate.

So drivers, look in the review mirror every once in a while for speedy driver, and if you do happen to see a blue Saturn tailgating you, I apologize, but please move over.

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