Tuesday, 16 August 2011

One of my childhood regrets

Bobby Roy


Having worked as a full-time journalist for more than a year and a half, I've had the opportunity to take pictures and report on minor football in several communities in Alberta.
At this time of the year as summer begins to wane, I can only think about the NFL season ahead (I'm a CFL fan too, but it's just not the same).
I love following everything a new NFL season offers and on many occasions I've thought to myself how great it would be to be a professional NFL player.
Obviously, that dream is long dead, but for those who love the game as much as I do, how great would it be to suit up in front of thousands of hardcore fans, run out onto the field on opening day and get paid millions to play the game you love?
There's no need to answer since the answer is so obvious, which brings me to one of my childhood regrets.
I never played minor football at any point in my youth and I really regret it.
I've played plenty pick up games with friends over the years, and on a warm, fall afternoon I can't of many better things I'd rather be doing.
Watching, talking with and taking pictures of youth practicing or playing football games brings back that regret every time.
Thinking back, I contemplated trying out for my high school team every year, but I never thought I was big enough or in good enough shape to make the team.
Looking back at it now, even if I didn't make it, at least I wouldn't have anything to regret if I would have tried out.
Football provides kids with so much more than learning the game.
It provides them exercise, confidence that can be used in other aspects of life, a new group of friends, a hard-working attitude (for most) and so many other important life skills.
Obviously most of these kids won't be able to make a career out of football, but until it's time they realize they won't make the big show, the game has so much to offer them.
At 5 foot 9 and not in incredible shape, I doubt I would have even had a chance at any professional career in football even if I did play throughout my childhood, but at least I would have had the opportunity to enjoy everything else the game of minor football offers.
At 24-years-old now, at least I'll be able to live my NFL fantasy through my fantasy football team for many years to come.
If you have any comments please post them or email me!

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