Friday, 8 January 2010


The body of Sgt. George Miok, who was killed in Afghanistan Dec. 30, returned home to Edmonton this morning. Members of City of Leduc Fire Services were on hand to provide an honour guard as the hearse carrying Miok's body made its way out of the Edmonton International Airport towards the highway.

The members saluted as the procession went past.

According to deputy fire chief Bob Scott, the local fire services do this kind of thing all the time, but usually it's for crowds of smiling soldiers returning, very much alive, to their families after a tour of duty.

The body of Cpl. Zachery McCormack, also from Edmonton, returned home on a later flight. Funerals for both will be held this weekend.

RIP Sgt. Miok and Cpl McCormack.

(Photos by Alexandra Pope/Sun Media)

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