Friday, 3 April 2009

Weekly Roundup — April 3

Here's what's making news in Leduc and area this week:

• Leduc County decided not to make a decision on a proposed amendment to its land-use bylaw that has caused a lot of controversy in the region

• Four municipalities held an emergency planning exercise that simulated a critical water shortage

• Black Gold Regional School Division is working on setting a new direction for special education

• A school program that encourages junior high students to help each other stay away from smoking is looking for support from the community

• In sports, the Leduc MNP Riggers held their season-ender awards banquet on March 28, while the Leduc Roughnecks Atom AA team finished their season as Alberta Central Cities Hockey League champions

• Community members got together to reflect on and pray for those in leadership positions at the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast on March 28

For all this and more, pick up a copy of the Rep or visit our website.

(Photo: Taylor Davies, Emma Faulkner and Keri Bierke of Beaumont's Daisy Chain Theatre Productions performed a mini-musical called Nuts with other members of their Tiny Broadway class at the group's year-end recital at the Maclab on March 27. Photo by Alex Pope)

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